
West Virginia Paying $12,000 For Remote Workers

Ascend West Virginia is a program offering remote workers $12,000 plus per perks to relocate.

How To Spot Red Flags In Freelance Ads (Podcast)

A lot of freelance job ads are a cover for a bunch-a-bull. Here’s how to spot them and avoid wasting your time.

Why It’s Time To Raise Freelance Rates

Here’s why this is a prime time to raise freelance rates.

The Struggle To Medevac Kaitlyn McCaffrey From Bali to Cali (Podcast)

Travel blogger Kaitlyn McCaffrey is in critical condition and her family insists she needs a medevac from Bali to Cali.

8 Writing Markets That Pay $200+

Getting discouraged or frustrated over all the low-paying gigs? Well, here’s a list of writing markets that pay at least $200.

Senator Braun Opposed to the PRO Act (Video)

Senator Mike Braun is opposed to the PRO Act given the risks to small business, including independent contractors.

In The US, Interest & Trust In News Is Low

Interest is declining and trust in news is low. Here’s why and how it could brighten the future for independent creators.

3 Steps To Increase Your Freelance Income

Want to increase your freelance income? Here are three ways to change the way you work to make that happen.

Unveiled: Facebook Newsletter Platform For Writers

Facebook launched Bulletin, a newsletter platform that allows writers to offer subscriptions.

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