Tag: write better

Why People Fail at Writing

Being an editor, I dealt with a lot of people who pitched columns that were short-lived or never got off the ground. Here’s why they and others like them fail at writing.

If You Aren’t Providing Backstory, That’s Bad Business

Creators, do you know the difference between providing backstory and pointing people backward?

Tips for Adding Value To Your Blog

Adding value to your blog can boost your results. Here’s how to go about doing it.

Why You’re Struggling To Write What You’re Thinking

You know what you want to say but you’re struggling to write it down. Here’s are two reasons why that happens.

Want To Write But Have Trouble Writing?

Are you having trouble writing? Are you struggling to get yourself to lay words down on the page? I’m not talking about times when you spend a few hours mulling

Tips To Cut Clutter From Your Writing

Here’s how you can cut clutter from your writing to improve your flow.

Writing About Government? Readers Need You To Do This…

Do you cover the town council, the board of supervisors or state legislature? You have a duty that goes beyond reporting on issues and outcomes.

Writing Without Bullshit: A Book for Better Writing

Take a peek inside Josh Bernoff’s book Writing Without Bullshit with these quotes about what bullshitting is, what it looks like a nd more.

Fight Club Author Chuck Palahniuk Publishes Book On Writing

Is Chuck Palahniuk’s book on writing, “Consider This”, a must-read for writers?

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