A lot of freelance job ads are a cover for a bunch-a-bull. Here’s how to spot them and avoid wasting your time.
Here’s why this is a prime time to raise freelance rates.
Getting discouraged or frustrated over all the low-paying gigs? Well, here’s a list of writing markets that pay at least $200.
Facebook launched Bulletin, a newsletter platform that allows writers to offer subscriptions.
Freelance photographers needed for two food and beverage opportunities!!
Freelance journalist Olivier Dubois kidnapped in Mali, has confirmed he was being held by the Islamic militant group JNIM. Here’s what else is known…
AP announced several changes in coverage of the suspects in minor crimes. Here’s why…
Hunter Walker, a Substack freelancer, gets a White House press pass, without being attached to a major publication.
You’ll be able to get freelance jobs lists again. Plus, become a Podcast Pundit and have your say on the topics covered on the KnowGood Podcast.