
What to Consider as Pool of Freelancers Grows

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Incoming!! Brace for it!! More freelancers are coming.

In recent years, the number of freelancers has grown annually. In 2023, there were 64 million Americans who did freelance work, an all-time high, representing 38% of the entire U.S. workforce, according to an Upwork study.

Now, Forbes is reporting that freelancing is “the new career move for corporate professionals.” The article cites research from Deloitte showing over 1/3 of workers fear losing their job, which is one of the drivers for freelancing. With media companies, tech companies, retailers, and the federal government slashing jobs, it’s as good as guaranteed that we will see a flood of interest in freelancing and the creative sector.

To existing freelancers

We’ve seen this show before, and not very long ago.

Think back to the days of the pandemic. Everyone plus the cow thought they could just pivot and go freelance or launch some creative thing—a blog, a podcast, a course, a YouTube channel. Even some star-power names tried to launch new ventures. Many with limited or no success.

That’s why, as I’ve said, when the field gets crowded with newbies, as an OG, you shouldn’t get discouraged. Everyone who suits up isn’t going to make the cut.

SEE | Why A Crowded Market Shouldn’t Discourage You

But growth in the numbers, even a temporary surge, should he a reminder that shouldn’t ever get cocky or complacent. Stay focused on changes in your market and be committed to delivering relevant, quality products and services. Do that and keep your finances in check, and chances are, you’ll be fine.

LISTEN | 7 Ways to Build Out Your Freelance Business

To newbies

Freelancing is a phenomenal career choice. But it’s not for everybody. When you hear that, you’ll probably agree but think those words don’t apply to you.

I’m pro-freelance and believe we’re stronger in larger numbers. So, I’m not here to discourage you either.

To the contrary, I’ll offer some friendly advice.

Research consistently shows that people turn to freelancing and content careers for reasons, including schedule flexibility, freedom to select projects, autonomy, and work-life balance.

Be acutely aware that what attracts you to freelancing, can destroy your prospects of doing it successfully. To last in this game,you must be very self-aware and be able to reign in your weaknesses and bad habits.

LISTEN | Learning To Call Your Own Bullshit

Also, know that no one goes in fully prepared. It’s impossible.

So be humble enough to accept that, no matter your background, there’s a lot you don’t know. Be open to learning.

And be ready to face challenges and volatility. Both will come you way. If you aren’t ready to get knocked around in the game, you’ll get knocked out of it.

LISTEN| Freelancing: 10 Things You Should Know

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