Freelance journalist Zhang Zhan was sentenced to four years for her coronavirus coverage in Wuhan.
Are you creating a new year’s plan to pave the way for a sucessful 2021? Or is this another form of procrastination?
Joe Biden has plans more extreme than California’s wreckless AB 5 freelance law. Freelancers fear a Biden presidency could wreak similar havoc across the nation.
A U.S. appeals court ruled against the feds in a case calling out government agents for targeting content creators at the Portland, OR protests.
From YouTubers to bloggers… Find out which money moves content creators started making after COVID-19 hit.
Have you wondered about freelancers who are charging low rates? Here’s an interview that explains the decision and business of a freelancer who does.
Being an employee offers jobs security while freelancing is risky and unstable. Is that actually the case? Here’s a personal account and some hard facts.
Food, finance, fashion, travel, and more. Here’s a list of article ideas, blog topics, and opportunities for influencers.
Stop doubting and comparing. You may be destined to beat the best. Here’s why…